Eastern Chapter will have their Annual Lunch Meeting with the Johnson County Legislative Delegation on Monday, March 7, 2022. The lunch will be at the State Capital Building in Topeka, and will be preceded by a briefing in Braden Heidner Lowe & Associates office.
It is vital for us to let our concerns and priorities be known to our Senators and Representatives. This is an opportunity for us to meet our Representatives and Senators one-on-one and enjoy valuable ‘face-time’ with many of the people who represent us in Topeka.
Please put March 7th on your calendar and plan to take advantage of this opportunity to talk with our lawmakers.
Date: Monday, March 7, 2022
10:30 – 11:30 Legislative briefing at Braden Heidner Lowe & Associates 825 S. Kansas Ave., Ste. 500
11:30 – 11:45 Walk to Capital
11:45 – 1:00 Johnson Co. Delegation, Rm.TBD, Capital Bldg. for networking and luncheon
1:00 Adjourn
Cost: $50 per person
$50 to Sponsor a Legislator
Catered lunch TBD
RSVP for Luncheon:by Wednesday, March 2nd
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Kansas Society of Professional Engineers
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